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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Removal of the Original Impurity (Najis-ul-Ayn)

Removal of the Original Impurity (Najis-ul-Ayn)

Issue 104: Impure solids into which impurity can
not penetrate will be pure if the original impurity
is removed, and it is not necessary to wash them
or purify them with other purifiers (Mutahirat);
But in cases where there is a special way offered
by the sacred law of Islam to purify something
such as eating and drinking utensils, the urinary
outlet, the utensils licked by dogs and pigs or the
ones in which they drink water, the impure thing can not be purified by the mere removal of the original impurity.

Q105: If the Holy Quran becomes impure, and we know that it will be destroyed if it is washed, then what must be done?

A: In the given situation, washing the Quran is obligatory.

Q106: Because of the application of chemical substances like chlorine, sometimes tap water looks white and milky and it becomes clear after a while. What is the verdict on performing ablutions with it? Is it considered Mudhaf water?

A: This water is Mutlaq water because if it is taken to any one, they would say that they brought us some water, or if any one sees it, they would say that it is water, and given this quality, people would not say that they do not have water or water is not available. Furthermore, if one doubts about the water being Mutlaq, because it had been Mutlaq water before adding the substance, it is considered as Mutlaq water and it is not different from other Mutlaq waters.

Q107: In your Towdhih-ul-Masa’il you have stated, “The blood which dribbles from the gums into the salvia and thus vanishes is pure”. Does this rule include other bloods in the mouth like the blood from the tongue or from the interior of the cheeks?

A: Any blood which comes from the inside of the mouth and vanishes at the same place is pure.

Q108: While having injections, there is usually some blood in the place of injection which is removed by a piece of alcohol-soaked cotton. Is the spot impure and must it be washed?

A: It is not necessary to wash it and it will be pure after the removal of the original impurity (Najis-ul-Ayn), i.e. blood in this case.

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