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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Hiring a Person for Offering Prayers

Hiring a Person for Offering Prayers

Issue 671: After the death of a person, it is allowed to hire someone to offer the prayers and other acts of worship which the deceased person did not offer during his/her lifetime, that is, to pay someone to do them on behalf of the deceased person, and if there is someone who agrees to do them for free, it will also be in order.

Issue 672: One can be hired to do some recommended acts such as visiting the shrines of the Holy Prophet and Imams (PBUT) on behalf of living people; He/she may also perform some recommended acts and dedicate the heavenly rewards to a living or dead person.

Issue 673: At the time of making an intention, the hired person must specify the dead person, but it is not necessary for him/her to know the name of the dead person. Hence, it suffices if he/she intends, "I am offering these prayers on behalf of the dead person I was hired for".

Q 674: Is it permissible to offer the prayers and keep the fasts of a dead person while being on a journey?

A: While being on a journey, it is permissible to offer the prayers of a deceased person, but it is not allowed to keep their fasts and these fasts are treated just like other fasts on a journey and are void.

Q675: If a person is hired to perform the acts of worship for a deceased person, and the dead person has never offered "Ayat" prayers, then how many Ayat prayers must the hired person offer on behalf of him/her? Is offering four Ayat prayers for each year considered as an obligatory precaution or a recommended one? Does it suffice to specify two of them for eclipse and the rest for earthquake in the intention?

A: To acquit a deceased person of his/her obligatory prayers, the hired person - or anyone else- must offer the Quadha of as many Ayat prayers on his/her behalf as they think he/she should have offered. Thus, one can make certain that all his/her obligatory Ayat prayers have been offered; and about a doubtful Ayat prayer, the Quadha must be offered with the intention of a precautionary prayer. However, to meet one's obligatory duty regarding the dead person, it would suffice if the least but certain number of prayer is offered.

Q676: Is it obligatory that a man who is hired to offer the Quadha prayers of a woman perform the recitation quietly as women must do?

A: The hired person must carry out the duty as he/she is normally obliged to do it and not based on the conditions of the dead person.

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