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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Profane songs and Music

Profane songs and Music

Q995: In your view, what is the case of listening to profane songs and what songs are considered illegal?

A: In my opinion, following some of the most learned religious jurists (May Allah sanctify their souls), what makes songs and music illegal is the content, and any sound, song and music which popularizes immoralities and depravity, or which is used to entertain irresponsible selfish and debauched people, or which is used to popularize falsehood and to divert people’s thoughts from the truth, or which is used to give an unrealistic and unpleasant expression of Islam and to introduce Islam as to be too rigid and difficult to practice or to stand against justice etc., both the song and the music will be illegal, and the performers, the singer, and the listeners all have committed two sins; and even if a Quranic verse is sung with the intention of encouraging others to do illegal things, the song will be illegal, let alone the song and music performed vis-à-vis the tradition and other Islamic issue.

Q996: What is the case of a doubtful song?

A: If a song is doubtful, it will not be illegal.

Q997: What is your view on listening to songs?

A: Listening to any vulgar song is illegal.

Q998: What is the case of trading musical instruments?

A: All tools and instruments whose applications are generally illegal are illegal to trade.

Q999: What is the case of trading those instruments which are exclusively used for illegal purpose and also of those which can be used for either illegal or legal purposes?

A: To trade those instruments which are exclusively used for illegal purposes is illegal and not permissible, but to trade those instruments which can be used for either legal or illegal purposes will be permissible provided that one trades them with the intention of using them for legal purposes.

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