Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Library of Arabic Materials
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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: A CULTURAL DIALOGUE

A CULTURAL DIALOGUE In the age of communications, each nation tries to achieve a positive response from other cultures, and sometimes precisely due to that nearness created by having closer communication with other cultures, some negative effects take root in between nations, but we must take note that the principle here is cultural cooperation since we cannot close the avenues of cultural communication. What is important is that, in the age of close cultural relations, how sensitive any nation and government is with regard to their own culture, and how active they are in its stabilization and to what extent they think of strengthening and deepening its roots. In advisory and counselor relations with other governments and nations, our own identity and integrity must be kept, and we should be proud of our religious and national scholars and men who are the cause of great honor for us. The world knows that the Iranian and the Islamic civilizations have been among humanity’s greater civilizations and will continue to be so in the future.
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