Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Library of Arabic Materials
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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: THE GOAL OF THE PROPHETS

THE GOAL OF THE PROPHETS The aim of God’s messengers and the coming of heavenly books has been the establishment of justice. Treading the path of the prophets must be in such a way as to make people truly accept their rights from within and be content. Islam is a religion wherein people themselves must become the upholders of justice: “Certainly, We sent Our apostles with manifest proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance so that mankind may maintain justice,” (Al-Hadid, 25). Islam is the religion of the people and the religion of mercy. All the followers of heavenly religions and the wise have a duty to rise and stand up for justice, fairness, peace, and the rights of man, all of which mean establishing justice, and take maximum advantage of every opportunity to make humanity pay attention to God and His prophets’ goals. The Koran says, “We have certainly sent our prophets and messengers and heavenly leaders with sufficient and clear and live reasons, which are the proofs of their prophetic mission.” God has sent His prophets with a heavenly program, divine laws, and wisdom in order that people, from within their souls and conscience and their religious belief, become the followers of justice.
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