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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: CULTURAL DIFFERENCES


There are cultural and religious differences among many nations, and as long as this issue does not reach the window of politics, it is not so important. But when these differences get linked with politics, unfortunately, it is here where the danger of insecurity lies. On the issue of cultural differences, two subjects must be separately taken into account; firstly, does anyone who has a good intellect and possesses ideas of his own and knows his own culture to be on the right, have the right to talk of it with others or not? The answer is positive and, basically, the heavenly prophets and the supporters of different schools of thought have been after the advancement of their own ideas. Therefore, it cannot be said that any one who knows their own ideas to be right should not be allowed to promote, publish, and present them, but others be able and permitted to put forward their own thoughts and ideas.

Through the creation of suitable bedrock for thought and the production of a program based on the compilation of people’s beliefs, such erroneous thoughts can be counteracted.

Secondly, the abuse of wrongful cultural beliefs of the people by the governing powers, solely for the purpose of misleading the general public, is an unforgivable sin, and from the point of view taken by our school of thought, it is an ugly and reproachable act, but, unfortunately, all through history human powers have usually acted with malice. Aggression and encroachment on the rights of other nations is the work of the ruling powers and not nations and cultures. I hope that humanity will reach a place where it can witness the rule of the right and humane thoughts, a way of thought that can climb the road to an ideal evolution towards the Promised Land, and that which is intended for man.

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