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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Those Who Have No Right of Possession over Their Property

Those Who Have No Right of Possession over Their Property

Issue 1081: A child who has not reached puberty, and a child who has reached puberty but is not discerning, are not legally allowed to take possession of their own property; therefore, to take possession of one’s property, two conditions must be fulfilled; to ensure one’s puberty, any one of the four signs listed below would suffice:

1- Growing thick pubic hair;

2- Discharging semen, although some believe that women do not discharge semen;

3- Discharging menstrual blood (for women);

4- If none of the above signs is observed, then the criterion will be completion of fifteen lunar years of age for men and thirteen lunar ears of age for women.

Issue 1082: Growing thick hair on the face, above the lips, on the chest and in the armpits, and the voice breaking etc. are not considered as signs of puberty, but means to ensure one has reached puberty.

Issue 1083: An insane or a feeble-minded person who squanders their property on futile things and for useless purposes, do not have the right of possession over their property.

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