Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Statements
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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Message of Condolence of Grand Ayatollah Saanei on the Occasion of the Passing Away of the Late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri (R.A)
Message of Condolence of Grand Ayatollah Saanei on the Occasion of the Passing Away of the Late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri (R.A)

We offer our deepest condolence to the presence of Hujjat Ibn al-Hassan al-Mahdi (a.j), and to all grand Maraaj’ and scholars, the Islamic Seminaries and the honorable nation of Iran, the honorable families of the grand martyrs and the war veterans, all the free nations of the world and all the relatives and members of the family especially Hujjatul-Islam Wal Muslemin Haj Shaykh Ahmad Montazeri, for the sad passing away of the virtuous and pious scholar, the free and upright mystic (‘Aref), the incomparable religious thinker and the indefatigable Mujtahid and the symbol of resistance, our grand scholar and Shaykh the late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri (R.A) who departed from this life and world to face the Almighty Allah in the threshold of ‘Ashura of Imam Hussain (a.s). It is hoped that the Almighty Allah, the Merciful and the most Powerful, grants us the success and grace of continuing his way which is the dissemination of the real and true Islam, i.e. surrendering to truth and justice and absolute perfection of the Almighty Allah. We ask Him to place our life and death alongside the love of the Holy Prophet (s)’s Ahlul-Bait (a.s) who fought against the oppressors all through out their lives and were martyred in pure innocence while standing against all evil and oppression.

The Holy City of Qom
Yousuf Saanei
December 20, 2009

Date: 2009/12/20
Views: 10499

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